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You are called to overcome!

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Women Of Victory Ministry and Services

Women of Victory is a Christ centered 4 phase, small group journey of emotional recovery designed specifically for women.  Through the WOV program women develop friendships, renew their hope,   and acquire tools to work through forgiveness.  If you're looking to be freed from the bonds of past abuse, grief, depression, post abortion, divorce, abandonment, and other aspects of pain; Hope is here.




WOV is a Christ centered 4-phase, small group journey through emotional recovery, designed specifically for women.  Each WOV meeting includes interactive support, didactic, discussion, encouragement, and newfound hope through Jesus.
Our groups are held in host homes or churches once a week.  We also offer workshops, seminars, and retreats which build relational bonds between women.  You can attend anytime during phases 1 & 2 as the groups are open forum.  During phase 3 & 4 the groups are closed to newcomers as the ladies have developed safe relationships and dig deeper into the healing and forgiveness process.
Phase 1 – Connecting with others in safe relationships with healthy boundaries.
Phase 2 – Developing and mastering boundaries in our lives.
Phase 3 – Experiencing forgiveness and freedom from past wounds in a safe group while uncovering the root of our hurts.
Phase 4 – Restoration and renewal: developing new eyes to see ourselves as God sees us.




Feel called to help women? 
WOV certifies and trains coaches! 
Turn your calling into leadership with the WOV coach training.
Be the catalyst of healing by becoming a WOV coach and gain mastery in the following:
*Group mentoring
*Coaching toward forgiveness
*Leading discussions and avoiding rabbit trails
*Compassionate accountability
*Directing the healing process
Classes fill quickly, reserve your spot today!




Life Coaching can be one of the keys to a happier, healthier life. My job is to give you the tools and techniques to achieve a balanced and fulfilling life. After
several Life Coaching sessions, you will become well-versed at handling issues whenever and wherever they arise. Call now to schedule a session.

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“We are not called to merely survive;
We are called to Overcome!”


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Upcoming Events




WOV is a Christ centered 4-phase, small group journey through emotional recovery, designed specifically for women.  Each WOV meeting includes interactive support, didactic, discussion, encouragement, and newfound hope through Jesus.
Our groups are held in host homes or churches once a week.  We also offer workshops, seminars, and retreats which build relational bonds between women.  You can attend anytime during phases 1 & 2 as the groups are open forum.  During phase 3 & 4 the groups are closed to newcomers as the ladies have developed safe relationships and dig deeper into the healing and forgiveness process.
Phase 1 – Connecting with others in safe relationships with healthy boundaries.
Phase 2 – Developing and mastering boundaries in our lives.
Phase 3 – Experiencing forgiveness and freedom from past wounds in a safe group while uncovering the root of our hurts.
Phase 4 – Restoration and renewal: developing new eyes to see ourselves as God sees us.




Feel called to help women? 
WOV certifies and trains coaches! 
Turn your calling into leadership with the WOV coach training.
Be the catalyst of healing by becoming a WOV coach and gain mastery in the following:
*Group mentoring
*Coaching toward forgiveness
*Leading discussions and avoiding rabbit trails
*Compassionate accountability
*Healing through Biblical principles

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Get to Know Mary Davies, cpc

Mary Davies has a passion for helping women fulfill their God-given potential.  She inspires women to be freed from past hurt and discover their purpose and passion to live their life as a valued woman of God!
Nearly 30 years ago Mary realized her life was out of balance.  She dove head first into her business, micromanaged her family, had an out of control anger issue which in turn caused her to lose focus of her marriage, children, and God’s calling on her life.  Faced with the prospect of losing her children and husband for good, Mary realized she needed to make a drastic change which began a new chapter of her life and inspired her to become a professional Christian Women’s Life Coach (cpc).
Mary turned to God for help and checked into a Christian emotional rehabilitation center where she spent weeks uncovering the tremendous wounds of her childhood that had haunted and emotionally paralyzed her.  During her stay she found freedom through forgiveness, setting heathy boundaries, and developing stable friendships.  Mary found a new direction by turning to God’s word and putting His principles into action.
Soon after her recovery, Mary was inspired by God to develop a curriculum which would assist women in finding forgiveness by sharing their hurts while developing healthy relationship with other ladies in a Christ centered environment.  Now she is sharing her program with the world and raising the next generation of Women Of Victory Leaders.
Mary is a multi-faceted and dynamic professional speaker who has spoken for world renown corporations, Universities, local social groups, and countless churches.  Her message is one of encouragement, healing through forgiveness, discovering your God-given purpose, and compassion.

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Client Testimonials


Firm Foundation

“Dear Mary,

Thank you for being a firm foundation in my life.  You have taught me that I can trust people and lean on others.  I feel confident sharing my heart now.  I’m glad you are in my life!”

DIANE, 2009

You encourage my individuality!

“Dear Mary,

I like how you encourage my individuality.  You are a great teacher!”


I have a new start in life!

“Dear Mary,

I have learned so much from you.  Thank you for the workshop Women of Victory.  You are a true servant of God that has helped many women.  Because of you, I now have a new start in my life and I’m going in the right direction with the tools I need!

I will never forget you or the important workshop I took with you.  I know it was God who led me to you.”

Teresa, MT


My Husband responds to me now!

“Dear Mary,

Before Manology classes my Husband had withdrawn from our marriage, now he's communicative and we are talking through our issues.  After 40 years of marriage struggles.

Vivian, CA

VIVIAN, 2015

Boundaries are working!

“Dear Mary,

No one would listend to my boundaries. You've given me practice statements and now I feel heard.  

Thank you Mary ”

Donna, NM

DONNA, 2015

You made a tremendous difference!

“Dear Mary,

You have taught me so much.  You have helped me to recognize the strength and beauty that God has given me.  God has used you to make a tremendous difference in my life.  Thank you so much for being there with me through it all.”

Shawna, WA

SHAWNA, 2007

You've made my life better!

“Dear Mary,

Your impact on my life has been huge and far reaching.  First, you cared enough about other women (and me) to reach out and put your Women of Victory program together.  Second, you stay in touch with God’s will in your own life so that we could discover his will in ours.  Third, you have shown boundless compassion and love in mentoring/coaching me, and holding me accountable; even when it wasn’t’ comfortable.  You have directly made my life better along with the lives of many.  Thank you.”

Rene, NJ

RENE, 1996

Just the right words!

“Dearest Mary,

You are so special.  When coaching me, you give just the right words I needed at any given moment.  Each week you encouraged me, and most importantly, never gave up on me.

You are a gifted coach/teacher and are dearly loved.”

Margie, CA

MARGIE, 2010

I love your insight!

“Dear Mary,

Thank you so much for sharing who you are.  You have been a great encouragement to me.  You have great insight and that has made it easier as time has passed, to share with you.”

Gwen, ID

GWEN, 2012

The steps I needed!

“Dear Mary,

Thank you so much for your willingness to help me work thorugh my issues.  Thank you for helping me get my family in order and helping me to recognize when God is at work.  I appreciate your encouragement and your willingness to help me find my place in life.  You helped me find the steps I needed to take in order to reach my goals.  This has impacted my life because it has helped me to realize that helping others to heal is where healing happens in our life as well.  You have become one of my most treasured teachers.”

Mel, OR

MEL, 1999

My life is richer!

“Dear Mary,

Thank you for giving of yourself every week.  You have shown me what can be accomplished if I believe and don’t give up.  I’ve learned so much from Women of Victory such as what I like & don’t like, feelings, boundaries, and what I don’t want to experience in my life.  You encourage me to face the wounds of my past, deal with them and look to the future at what’s possible.  My life is richer because of you!

Jodie, WI

JODIE, 2013

You accept me right where I am!

“Dear Mary,

I like the way you explain things to me and that you accept me right where I am.  I appreciate you being open and I’m looking forward to many happy years.”

Ari, MA

ARI, 2002

My wounds no longer hurt!

“Dear Mary,

I’m very thankful to you for helping me get the rocks out of my “love tank!”  Because of your hard work & wisdom my wounds which were festering are now scars that no longer hurt. 

I’m so thankful the the chest full of tools you have given me to face my past, tackle my present head on, and offer hope and enthusiasm for a future of great boundaries!

I am amazed by your generosity with helping women.  I feel liberated and free to confront challenges to come.”

Joyce, GA

JOYCE, 2010

Anything is possible!

“Dear Mary,

I love your exuberance and your energy.  It’s contagious!  It makes me feel like anything is possible!  Your attitude of Christ is beautiful!”

Kim, AL

KIM, 2013

Grow closer to Christ!

“Dear Mary,

I love your willingness to help women better themselves and to grow closer to Christ in the process.  I love your smile, positive attitude, and your “can-do” spirit.  Your faith & attitude are evident, not to mention; your energy!  I’m inspired.  I will never forget what you have helped me overcome.  I feel empowered to change my life and I’m on the right track.”

Debbie, TX

DEBBIE, 2014

Conduit for healing!

“Dear Mary,

Your wisdom and leadership would not be there if it weren’t from Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  Thank you for being a conduit for my healing.  You have blessed me in so many ways.  Thank you for creating a safe, comfortable haven and a mirror to show me that I am beautiful, forgiven and loved.  Please keep unbinding the broken hearted. “

Erica, DE

ERICA, 2014

I like the way you explain God!

“Dear Mary,

I was floored when I first heard your testimony, but I was encouraged that if you could come out of that, then maybe I had a chance.  You are a good teacher and encourager.  I like the way you explain God to me and you accepted me right where I am at.”

Samantha, TX


I will survive!

“Dear Mary,

I have been searching for years for something or someone who could help take the pain and this stuff I’ve had inside of me for years.  You have helped to show me it’s ok to trust. The biggest impact you have had on me is that I will survive through whatever life brings.

Thank you Mary for being a woman who has brought salve to my hurts.”

Terry, WA

TERRY, 2008

Passion to help women!

“Dear Mary,

I’m so thankful for you as the teacher of this class.  Your insights and sharing of your experiences were so beneficial to me.  It is so evident that you have a passion for helping women.  It’s so awesome to see how God is using you to make a difference in the lives of so many women and I’m very fortunate to be one of them.”

Laurina, CA


I'm proud to call you my teacher!

“Dear Mary,

I am amazed by your testimony and you!  I will thank God for your presence in my life as long as I draw breath.  I am proud to call you my teacher.”

Evelyn, OR

EVELYN, 2007

God is changing me COMPLETELY!

“Dear Mary,

God is changing me completely.  I love that you show strength yet remain vulnerable.  It shows great character.  God wanted us to meet so that I can learn from you. I feel blessed because of you!”

Maggie, ID

MAGGIE, 2014

I'm learning allot!

“Dear Mary,

Thank you for meeting with us every Sunday evening.  I’m enjoying being part of your group and am learning allot.”

Brenda, ID

BRENDA, 1995

You're an example of how to draw close to Jesus!

“Dear Mary,

I admire your faithfulness.  Your testimony and witness are a great example of how to draw close to Jesus and gain strength through him.”

Myra, NV

MYRA, 2008

Good-Bye to anger!

“Dear Mary,

Than you for all the hard work in our group and especially for helping me work thorugh & say good-bye to my anger!  I smile when I recall my anger going up in smoke.”

Betz, WY

BETZ, 2012

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